Woensdag 25 September 2024

Wild Ride - Wrap up


What can one say after such an amasing week on a bicycle? The route/tracks we "wundered" along were out of this world. Martin knows the area like the back of his hand. On one ocation we stood at one side of the river and he pointed to a bend in the river saying that in that corner, which was just bush, there is a track and we must head there. When we got there, there was a track through a neat "tunnel" formed by the bushes leading us onto the track going up the hill!  

There were numerous times when we just "went" and lo and behold there just "appears" a track! Some of the "hike-a-bikes" up a hill also would be hard to find if you did not know it was there. The pristine nature of the country side was something to behold the eye. Now and then, when we wundered inlind, we would see forms of human life, but when we were on the beach or hugging the coastline, ot was only us and nature. 

The people making up the group were out of this world. Every night was ended with "fines", which were very well handled by Johnny van der Vyfer and Mike Elliot. It was a shame about Tom Figl having to take the bus on day four due to a flu bug, which got worse and Mike Augustides' knee playing up. 

The diversaty of the group added to the dynamics and in spite of the fact that the "dour" accountants (three of us) out numberrd the other professions there was no lack of excitement. 

The weather on day 2 and especially day 3 was challenging! Various potential problems on the route did result in day 4 going more inland on district roads, but that also provided a different "angle" to the whole experiance. 

Not much changed after the majority stopped at Port St Johns. The six of us who continued got along very well and jelled together. The hike-a-bike and constant ellvation gains and losses during the last three days brought another dynamic to the experiance. I think it was also just as well that we were a smaller group, which made life a little easier for Martin. He did get some extra "training" by either carrying or pushing my bike up a number of hills to ensure that the pace is not too slow. He also pushed me up a number of hills where we could cycle. The "walking" percentage during the last three days were much higher than during the first four. The "sight seeing" during this period was at a different level.

To special thank you to Martin and Jeanie for giving us the opportunity to experiance this wonderful area of our country first hand. One of the beauties of a trip like this is to be able to cycle through such a pristeen and unspoilt part of our beautiful country. The fact that the groups are small also makes it special. 

For me this was a once in a lifetime experiance and I really feel very furtunate to have experianced it. As the "senior citisen" in the group, I also would like to thank everybody who "looked out" for me aling the way, even Paul Furbank who is only 7 years younger! 

Total distance covered 298 km; total time on the go 41.41 hours; elevation gain 6,022 meters.

Here is the wrspnup by tour leader, Martin Dreyer.

Thanks a million for your most kind messages.... 🤗.

I didn't realise Cape Town riders could be such lekker okes. 

It was an absolute pleasure guiding/hosting you all on the Wild Coast - Jeans & I thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience, and we want to thank you for that - maybe not the crank kak, single speed part & the flat tyres 🫣😁.

With the few days of adverse weather whilst many main roads of  Kzn/EC were closed, its amazing how we just forged ahead (actually didnt have a choice as the bus had already left) & got on with it. A true testament of the great comradie & positive attitude of this group. You guys were awesome.

Phillip, jy was ʼn yster! An inspiration to us all.

The teamwork of our downsized peloton on the 7th day kop-stomping into the gale force headwind along that last 20km beach was a sight to behold, each rider took their turn on the front....

On our 4th riding day - I would have never admitted it in the moment, in fear of some riders feeling sorry for themselves, but that was a beast of a day with the unscripted extra massive climbs. So a huge congrats for getting through it - the biggest 4th day I have ever ridden on the Wild Coast.

To those virgin Wild Coast Riders, conditions can be alot more pleasant....

Well done for getting the job done in testing conditions.

Nige, Sean - really sorry you guys couldn't ride with us, next time....

Thanks Darryn, Tom & Mike for your added value goodies to our trip.

That's a wrap for now, take care and stay in thouch.

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