What a day! 48.03 km; 6:34:30; gemiddelde spoed 7.3 kpu! 13 rivier kruisings waarvan baie enkel of kuit diep was, maar een het tot oor my skouers gekom. Om die waarheid te sê ek moes op my tone loop, maar kom ons begin by die begin.
Breakfast was at 07:30 with an antisipated time of departure of 08:30. We were ready at 08:30, but a heavy thunder storm with thunder and lighting was moving overhead, so we debated about waiting this out and only got going at 08:34.
Down to the beach and onto the sand. The first river crossing came after 5.74 km. Not to deep and easy to cross. The next one came after another 1.54 km. Once again nothing serious. This was followed by by 1.11 km on the sand before the next crossing. Once again the water was not too deep and as Eric cycled through, I followed suit. It went well untill I got to the otherside, where there was a small lip. Unfortunately my effort to lift the front wheel was not successful and I took a tumble with only my ego getting seriously damaged. I also received lots of help from guys who crossed allready.
Crossing number 4 came after another 1.82 kilometer and 5 after another 867 meters. Every now and then we also had to negotiate some rocks or take a detour inland. These detours uselly involved hiking a bike up a gully or over a hill! Crossing number 6 came after 2.52 kilometers and 7 after another 8.59 kilometer. Progress was slow due to all the "obsticales" in the form of rivers and rocks and gullys!
Number 8 was a 5.52 kilometers further and 9 after another 782 meters. We then went inland again. After 7.9 kilometers we encountered a "torrent". Not too deep and wide but really fast flowing. On the otherside we had to navigate our way up a gully for about a kilometer. Once on top we stopped for Cokes, which Jeanie had been carrying in her backpack for us!
Bo oor en anderkant af. Weg van die see is ons meesal op "cattle tracks". Die ander mense in ons groep het regtig "uitgereik" na die "ou man" en by al die moeilike rivier kruissings my gehelp deur my fiets vir my oor te dra en self my hand te vat waar die stroom sterk was of die water diep.
Na 35 kilometer kom ons bo op 'n bult met "Hole in the Wall" se rots formasie voor ons. Voorwaar 'n besondere uitsig. Nou teen die bult af en oor die rivier om "Hole in the Wall" in al sy glorie te sien, maar ons moet eers oor die rivier kom! Dit is hier waar die water tot by my nek kom! Gelukkig het Eric dit op video vas gelê.
'n Paar fotos word geneem en ons ry na die plaaslike restourant om iets te drink. Koffie met kalua word bestel. Drie van ons gaan vir gewone koffie en Jeanie vir tee. Halfpad deur die koffie maak proses gaan die krag af! Daar is net 10 koffies en almal is met kalua "gedokter"! Ek drink saam met Jeanie tee.
Nou is daar 10 kilometer oor na die hotel, maar ons moet eers oor twee en 'n halwe "monster" bulte kom! Die twee is elk so ongeveer 500 meter en die halwe 200 meter. Die eerste twee se gradiënt draai hier by 18%! My "kannie dood" temprament tree in en ek trap al die bulte uit. Martin wys ons 'n kort paadjie, deur 'n stroompie, en na 48 km en net meer as 6 en 'n half uur is ons tuis. Nou vir 'n lekker stort en warm klere. Alles wat ek aan het is nat as gevolg van al die reën en ook die diep riviere waar ons deur is.
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