Vrydag 28 Junie 2019

Freedom Challenge day 11

FCRASA day 11

After  a good night's sleeo, we hit the road at 05:15. The route out of Elandsberg is fairly smooth and mostly downhill. The ride was fast and scary for me to a certain extend as I only had a light on my helmet, which did not iluminate the road ahead properly, but it all went off well and without incident. We had to taje a right tyrn after 26 km to the farm Longacre. As this turn-off is on a downhill and behind a buzh from the side we aproached, we did overshoot it. After riding around for about 15 minutes, we eventually found it. The ride from here through to the Cradock/Middelburg road was well marked and we had no probkens getting through. After 100 meters we took a left turn for another pleasant ride through to the Cradock/Graaff-Reinet road. Here we turned right again and had to stay on thus busy road for 2.3 km. During the time that it took me to do this 2.3 km, 10 Taxi's came past! The turn-off was to River Glen and onto Newlands where we arrived at 09:00. We were treated to an scrumteous breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, tomatoe "smoor" and toast. We stopped fir 45 minutes.

Next on the schedule was some good riding on district roads with one monster climb until we turned left to go up Garslandskloof and onto the Schurfteberg portage. We started Schurfteberg portafe ar 12:00 and I reached the top at 14:10! The other guys were between 20 and 50 munutes ahead of me. The descent diwn the otherside took me 20 minutes. I was just about to stop and take out my maps to make sure of my navigation, when I noticed the other guys about 100 meters down the road, where they were waiting fir me! We had 10 km to Jakkalsfontein, which once again included a monster climb, which I did managed to ride up. After a shirt down hill section, we arrived at Jakjalsfontein at 15:00.

Total distance for the day was 109.56 km and total riding time was 09:58!

Donderdag 27 Junie 2019

Freedom Challenge day 10

FCRASA day 10

Today we crossed ghe halfway point in my plan to do the race in 19.5 days. In distance that will only happen tomorrow. 

The rain down in buckets last night, but our host Will Terblache asured us that it will be clear in the morning. When we left at 05:15, we were greeted by clear skies. There is a shortcut through the farm to the district road, but we felt it may be too muddy and went for the traditional exit. Out of the farm we turned right and after 2.1 km right again. We now had 9.5 km to the turnoff to the farm Gunsteling, which would take us to Aasvoëlberg. I am niw sure what the problem was, but the navigators in our team suddenly went on a blinck! Johan R said we were travelling in the wrong direction and then discovered he had his map upside down. After awhile we stopped again because the navigators were not sure we were where we should be. Three of ys carried on as we were sure we were on the right road and only gad to turn off after we covered 9.5 km since the previous reference point. After quite a while we saw that the rest were following us. Before we reached the actusl turn off, there were more uncertainty, but in the end sanity prevailed and we all got the correct turnoff. A ride down the farm track got us to the entry point of the Aasvoëlberg portage. The track up the mountain was ridable, but once eaagainenc we  had the problem that some were just too steep. At one point we had to leeve the track, climb over a fence and proceed through the veld to another fence, which we had to climb over and then find the track down the mountain. This track used to be very rough, but to our surprise we found that it has been graded! It was still very rough, but we could ride all the way to the bottom. There we joined the Tarkastad/Hofmeyr road. The next 11.5 km was all uphill and straight into the teeth of a very strong North Westerly wind. For thd next hour and forty five minutes we had to grind up the hill into this wind! It was soul distroying, but once we reached the top wd were rewarded with the most beautiful sight and the prospect of a wonderful downhill. Just to make it more satisfying, we found that the wind was mostly on our backs. We now had a very pleasant ride of  35 km into Hofmeyr and to crown it all the road surface was mostly silky smooth. We arrived in Hofmeyr at about 12:30, stopping at Karoobis for lunch. 

We got going again at13:20 and headed out to Elandsberg. 5.4 km on the Cradock road was followed by 21 km on a good district road and farm tracks until we got to track leading to Elandsberg. This track was rough, but ridable with the odd section or two which was just too steep. We followed this to a point where we had to clear a fence again, make our way through the veld to pick up the track which would take us over the neck and onto the track down to the farm Elandsberg, where arrived at 16:10, a relatively short day.

Freedom Challenge RASA day 9

FCRASA day 9

We left Kranskop at 05:31. We turned right on the district road and then left through a farm gate after 2.7 km. The next 7 km was on farm tracks around some cultivated field and a rocky outcropt reaching a public road. After 1.3 km we had to go through a pedestrian gate and then through the veld for 1.1 km until we reached a farm track, which took us to  tar road close to Burgersdorp. After 400 meters took a right turn, which took us past the disused Gouevlei station and onto Brosterlea, where we had an early lunch. Riding conditions were good and we made good progress, but still had 82 km to go, which included crossing the Stormberg.

Out of Brosterlea we had some district road riding and then some farm tracks which took us onto another dirt road for a short distance before turning off at Weltevrede farm to cross Stormberg. There is a track right up to the top, which us ridable, but due steepness and tired legs involved a fair amount of pushing. Going down the otherside was very nerve racking as the gradient was very steep and rocky. Once at the bottom we crossed the railwayline and then cycled through the Anglo/Boer warsite of Vegkoppies on farm tracks through to a tar road. After 1.6 km we turned right on a gravel road. We tried to ride in eschalon formation, but the corregations was so bad that we had to give up. 13.5 km later we turned off at the farm De Rust and then immediately right again in a westerly direction around a koppie. The next 11 km took us to the Molteno/Hofmeyr gravel road via varioys farm tracks, which was in a fairly good condition, but riding was getting more challenging as we were tierd and it was getting dark. We reach the dirt road and now had only 9.4 km to Romansfontein. This turned out to be quite challenging due to very tierd leggs and a number of hugh hills. To add some spice, it started to rain, but fortunately intermitend and not very hard. We decided to push on and not stop to put on rain ware as we should be home within 30 minutes. My haert jumped with joy where we crested the last hill and gad a downhill run to the farm entrance. The rain was falling a bit harder, but was not drenching us yet. We arrived at Romansfontein at 18:30. Another hard day out of the way!

Woensdag 26 Junie 2019

Freedom Challenge day 8

FCRASA day 8

The route out of Slaapkranz is quite difficult and our host had lots of stories about people getting lost and moving in circles. Our navigators were right on the ball and we got over the mountain without faking any detours, but it involved a lot of bike carrying up the steep mountainside, with no tracks and in the dark. The sun rose as we managed to reach a rough track running parralel to the ridgeline. This took us to the top of the neck. The track down the otherside was rough but ridable. Once we reached the district road, we looked for the first spot of sun do that we could have our morning snack.

We now had to tackle the Louterbron portage. This was on a very rough jeep track up a valley and then over another neck to some cultivated field on a little plateau. This was again followed by either following a rough jeeptrack or hiking your bike over a hilltop to another jeeptrack which took us to another saddle. Here the track ran on a contour just below the ridgeline. Once over the top, we took a very rough track down the mountainside. This was so steep that it was difficult just walking our bikes. We ended up at some cultivated fields st the bottom of the mountain. It had taken us 6 hours to cover the distance of 20 km from Slaapkranz to here!

The road from the fields to the local dustrict road good with a steady climb. Once on the main road we had a very pleasant ride on a good quality road with a fair number of undulations. Just before Rossouw we crested a hill with a beautiful downhill leading to Killian Pass. I was doing about 50 kph we the front wheel of my bike hit some loose gravel on a very smooth surface. I hit the deck with a bang! Bits and pieces were all over the road, but I was OK accept for a brazed knee and elbow. My distance meter and light both were beyond repair. I gathered everything together and continued down the road, at a much reduced pace! By dome miracle, my wireless odo, which stopped wirking on day 2, started working again. So I could at least navigate distances. At this point our group was spread over a fair distance with Johan R, Willem sn Hanko at the front, me in the middle and Johan L snd Sandy at the back, so nobody saw my accident. 

Through Rossouw I saw the front guys waiting at the Moordenaarpoort turn off. I just continued cycling aiming not to keep the group up, as I was slower. Halfway up the hill they came past again. I was managing a good pace and arrived at Moordenaarspoort about 10 minutes after them. Johan L and Sandy arrived 10 minutes later. We had a quick bite and I set off before the rest so as not to keep them up. 

It took Johan R about 12 km to catch up with me. Willem and Johan L came past a while later and them Harko joined me. We cycled along for a while, chatting about thus and that. We cought up with Willem and Johan L at the next junction. Harko stopped to enquired wether they should wait for Sandy or not. Shortly afterwards they came past me and disappeared down the road. With the aid of my working odo, I managed to find all the correct turns and reach Kranskop at 17:45, just as the sun was setting. 

 Thought I could a plan with my light, but the wire broke off and I now only had my headlight, which is only good enough for reading my narratives. Fortunately we do now have any difficult early morning navigations coming up, so I should be able to cope. 

Total riding time was 12:14:40 anf we covered about 98 km

Freedom Challenge day 7

FCRASA day 7

We left Alpine Swift, just outside of Rhodes, at 05:10. It did not feel that cold, but Sandy saw -10 on her temprature gauge! With a wind chill factor downhill it probably much colder. The ride was fairly pleasant on good district roads with many undulations. Things did warm up once the sun poke its head above the horizon. We stopped for a morning snack at the Bokspruit turn off. The road continued to go up and down and the surface was good. This resulted in really pleasant riding up to the Bottelnek Pass turn off. The road surface deteriorated immediately. The first part was downhill, but that was followed by a long climb through a neck. Once down the otherside, we pulled into Chesney Wold for lunch after 6:50 and stopped for 45 minute and was treated to gorgeous meal of wholesum vegitable soup and mutton neck stew. 

After a short streach of gravel, we turned right on the Elliot/Barcley East tar road. After a further 3 km we turned left on the Rytjiesvlakte road, which took us up to the Kapokkraal turn off. It was quite a climb all the way right up to the Kapokkraal farmstead. From there we had to find our way through the veld up to the neck. A distance of just over 4 km, which took us about an hour. Down the otherside we had to use an old disused wagon trail, which was not ridable. Once at the bottom we found a good farm track, which took us to Slaapkrans, where we stayed for the night. 

Total riding time was 11:58:31.

Sondag 23 Junie 2019

Freedom Challenge Race Across SA day 6

FCRASA day 6

We left Vuvu at 06:00. Johan R and myself were taking the alternative route via Mcabalala while the rest went over Lehanas Pass. I went for the Lternative because I felt Lehana's would be too streneous on my back. We found the entrance to our valley 2.4 km down the road snd started our journey up the side of the mountain. I found that this was not as easy as when I went up here in 2016, but after about 2 hours, we reached the plato. We cycled along the plato and went past the abandoned Philipspost Police Station. This was followed by some of the best riding to date! The gravel road was very smooth, the wind was on our backs abd the sun in our faces. We were racing along at about 40 kph for the next couple of kilometers. The road surface and elevation changed quite considerably once we joined the local road which took us through to the Mount Maclear/Rhodes road.

We stopped here for a break and then tackled the 12 km to the top of Naudespass. Johan suggested we take turns at the front off we went. The wind was right into our faces most of the time with one or two quiet spots behind some cliffs. I had my doubts about maintaining a good momentum but dug deep and we covered the 12 km in 2 hours. When went over the top, there was a marked drop in temprature. It also was nit diwnhill all the way! We encountered a number of serious climbs. Along the way we were passed by a number of vehicles going up the pass who obviously was on a 4x4 journey. One did pass us again going diwnhill. Halfway down we found them stopped next to the road, admireing the scenery. We stopped for a chat and posed for a photo. We continued down encountering a number if short vicious climbs and arrived at Alpine Swift at 14:05. The other guys arrived about an hour and a half later.

Freedom Challenge Race Across SA day 5

FCRASA day 5
We knew we were in for a long so we got going at 05:00. The navigation out of Malekonyane is quite challenging and we did spent some time finding the correct route, but did well and got through to the district road in 1:20. It then took us another 20 minutes to get to the top of Ongeluksnek. 

After assembling there, we were off to find our way through the local village to Taba Chitja. There we had to scramble fown the hill and up the otherside through Keobung village. Over the escarpment and onto Blackfountain. We then went South West along the ridge to the point where we had to decent down to Tiana Mission. There were three options. Myself, Sarah and Johan R opted for the first tigerline, Willem went for the second tigerline and the rest were taking the road around the koppie. We all agreed to meet at the local spaza shop. Sarah took us back quite a distance to start down the mountain. It was quite a scramble, but we made it. When we eventually reached Tiana Mission we realised that we went too far back and did not come down where we thought we did! In the end everybody arrived at the spsza shop within a 15 minute time frame! We all got something to drink and eat and set off again. We were running a bit late and I had my foubts about reaching Vuvu before dark. 

From Tiana Mission we took a short cut through to a district road, up the hill and down the otherside through Mjikelweni, joining the road to Ntabelanga. Here we went left and onto the Vuvu valley. Our navigation through the valley was spot on and we reached the exit points with daylight to spare. We descided to got for the second option which ment we had to scale a rockface of about 100 meters, which included carring our bikes some of the way. Once reaching the top we encountered one of the most terrible road I have travelled along. The surface was covered with fist size rocks and it was very undulating with some very steep climbs. After lots moaning, growning and some sware words, we finally hit the main road through Vuvu, arriving at the school at 18:00! What a day! Supper was at the school. Showering was with hot water, which you poured over yourself. After super everybody was shown, in pairs of 2, to some private dwellings where the locals accomodated us. 

Freedom Challenge Race Across SA day 4

FCRASA day 4

As this going to be relatively short day, we got going at 06:17. Out of Masakala the navigation was quite easy and we made good time onto the Kinera floodplain. After we negotiate the first part, Johan Radcliffe and Willem descided to try a low road. The rest of us went the normal route. In the end they did pick up some mud, but everybody arrived at Queens Mercy at the same time. We stopped at the spaza shop and had a pleasant recovery stop. 

From here we went down a district road which led up to the entrance of Mprehane hill. We had to carry our bikes up the first section and then stopped for a group photo. Riding along the ridge is a real pleasure and we reached the FC bokkie leading down to the old Gladstone farmstead. The ride down the hill was quite hairy, but we all made it in one piece.  We followed the track through the veld and down the side of the hill, where we had to scramble down a rock face to get to the bottom. After crossing the river we joined the road up to Malekonyane, srriving there at 14:30.

Vrydag 21 Junie 2019

Freedom Challenge Race Across SA Day 3

FCRASA day 3

We left Ntsekeni ar 05:18. After a 5.5 km drive down the entrance track to Ntsikeni we took a right turn onto the Ntsikeni plain/valley. The track was quite ridable and we made good progress. We were also blessed with an awsome sunrise. The riding across the Ntsikeni plain was reasonably easy and we completed the first section in good time. From there on the riding got more technical and there were different options to take. Johan Radcliffe and myself went for the high option and reached the fenceline a little while before the others. The technical nature of the riding continued for another while until we reached sone old huts. We then followed the farm track past the main farm house and onto the R617 tar road. There we turned right and then after 1.3 km left onto a gravel road going to St Bernard's Peak. After 10 km we took a left turn and then left again for a break at Glen Edward. Shiela treated us with wholesum soup containing meat, vegatables and macaroni. Race Office informed me that the batteries in my tracker were flat. I replaced them and was on air again. We spent 45 minutes here. 

We left the farm turned left and continued on the district road for another 13 km where we turned right cycled past St Xaviar Mission towards Taylerville. There we stopped at a shabine where my riding partners had some beers. From here we went left to cross another watershed and then down the district road to anothet village. There we went left past some local dwellings to a wattle plantation and crossing the Little Mzimvubu River. On the otherside we had to scramble up the side of a hill to join another district road. We reached a shop where we stopped for some cooldrinks. 

This was followed by a ride up another hill on cattle tracks/local footpaths. Down the otherside we had the choise of taking the low road with the possibility of some wetlands or the high road on the side of the spur. We opted for the high road. Quite a bit of the riding was through grasslands with very few real tracks. After a while we reached the old abandoned farm houses and went up the side of the spur to join the Rama Road. We went a little to right and joined the road lower than we should have but managed. At the top of the hill we went down the cattle dip to join up with the local road. After some fast downhills anx some more little climbs we reached Masakala Guest House at 17:30. Willem Kamstra and Johan Lombaard decsided to take a shortcut, but got lost on the way and arrived an hour after us!

Freedom Challenge Race Across SA Day 2

FCRASA day 2

We decided to leave verg early, like 04:30! We actually got away at 04:32, not bad. I intially we had to navigate our way out of the farm through to a district road 6 km away. There we crossed the road then had to navigate our way through the forest up to Donnybrook. We first went up a Sani2C single track and then into the forest itself, where we mostly traveled down forestry tracks. The experianced people in our group, who have done the race previously, managed to get us through without taking any wrong turns. This was followed by an equally difficult navigatitional section through the forests leading to Centacow. The first 12 km was easy riding down a forestry track followed by some tricky navigation into Centacow. For the first time, in the four time which I did this route, I managed to get the last section correct. We were on Centacow at 09:30, where we an early lunch. We left at 10:17.

We now had to tackle the the difficult part of the day. Two monster climbs followed by a techical entry into Ntsikeni. The road out of Centacow is quite undulating up to the point where we had to make a left turn and go up an spur. For the next 7 km we had to slog up this road, which was so steap that we had to push our bikes most of the time. It probably took us close to two hours to get to the top of tge watershed. Down the other side was a quite hair raising downhill up to the point where we had to take a turn down to a river. This was about 50 meters wide and about thigh deep. After the crossing we went through a blue gum forest to cross another ridge. The downhill was fast again. We then had another monster climb to negotiate. After 300 meters the road goes left and we had to take a track which looked more like an erosion scar than a track! This lasted for about two km and was totally unridable! Johan Radcliffe and Hanko de Beer was a little in front of us and listened to some locals, who advised them to continue along the road! It took them quite a while to realise their error and we had to waite for them to catch up with us again. We all regrouped at the top of the hill and road together to the entrance of Ntsikeni.

The entrance to Ntsikeni was well know for the stillts over the fence, but currenly there is a gap in the fence and we did not have to go over via the stillts. The ride through the reserve starts off with a small climb and the crossing of a stream, followed by a long climb through a wattle plantation and over a ridge. Once over the ridge we were rewarded with a beautiful view over the Ntsikeni plains, where we would be riding through the next day.

We clocked in at just after 17:00 having completed 97.92 km       

Freedom Challenge Race Across SA Day 1

FCRASA day 1

As there are some English speaking people who read my blog, I will post in English.

We had breakfast at 05:00 and left for the City Hall at 05:35. As we were ready to leave The Sleeping Bag, FG realised that ge had left his helmet behind. Fortunately he could retrieve it quickly. On the way there I notice that my cyclo meter is not working! Chris Fisher replaced the battery, but that did not work either! I would just have to stay with the group! 

Our start was not very good. The instructions were clear but everybody except Sandy and myself went one block too far. We all regrouped at the next traffic light. We were escorted out of town until we entered Bisley Nature Reserve. The first part was tar, but it quickly turned to a very good quality gravel road. My cylometer started working as soon as we turned off onto a track through the sugar cane. We all stayed together and had an easy ride to the Richmond tar road. After a few kilometers we turned off to Baynesfield. 

Initially it was a tar road, which changed to a good gravel road after a few kilometers. We then turned left to follow a foresty track up to a ridgeline. From there we follow a old disused jeeptrack to the radio masts on top of Cunningham Castle. This was followed by a very hairy downhill into Byrne. Halfway down the hill my saddlebag opened and my warm top fell out. Luckily I noticed it and stopped to pick it up. We stopped in Bynre at The Oaks for lunch after4:30 of riding, stopping for 20 minutes.

Out Bynre we initially had some tar until we turned off to Illovo Neck Forest Station.  After a short climb, we rode a contour path taking us to the Umkomaas Valley. Part if this road is a scary cement road with an unreal gradient. A number of Freedom Challengers have ended there race here due to fading brakes or lising control due to going too fast! This road led us down to the edge of river where we followed some cattle tracks along the side of the river. Some section were very rough resulting in slow progress. There also was a section where we had to scramble over some rocks. Johan Radcliffe and myself decided to go around crisding the river at the bridge, while the rest went through the river at a point where it was about thigh deep. 
The river is followed by the infamous Hela Hela climb. A climb of 9 km which can only be climbed by the very fit. I pushed my bike up the last thitd! In 2014 I managed to climb it in one go! I strated this with Johan, but he dropped me early on and Inonly saw him again at the end. Once on top the road is fairly undulated, going past a settlement and then past the Mckenzie Country Club, one of the Sani2C stopover points. A few kilometers past the Club we turned off to Allendale, our stopover for the night. 
Johan finished an hour before me. I finished at 16:12 and the test of the pack came in at 16:30. We had an early supper and everybody was off to bed by 21:00

Dinsdag 18 Junie 2019

Van 8 dae in ICU na die Freedom Challenge Race Across South Africa

13 November 2018. Die dag sal ek sekerlik nooit vergeet nie. Dit het begin met 'n 08:00 vergadering in Seepunt wat tot net na 09:00 aangehou het. Oppad huistoe het ek my motorfiets by die Engen garage in Seepunt vol gemaak en koffiebone by Beans for Africa in Montagu Gardens gekoop. Ek was so net na 10:00 tuis en het gou aan die werk gespring. Daar was 'n paar goed wat ek nog gedoen wou kry voordat ek 14:00 'n CBMC Forum vergadering by All in the Kitchen in Blaauwbergweg moes bywoon. 

Ek spring so 13:45 op my Blackbird en sit af All in the Kitchen toe. Ry met Marinerylaan teen die kus af met Tafelberg in die agtergrond. By die sirkel verminder ek spoed en draai in Blaauwbergweg af. Die verkeerslig by Marinesirkel is groen! Daar staan 'n Taxi, maar ek het reg van weg en ry rustig voort. Die volgende oomblik tref ek die Taxi, wat besluit het hy gaan 'n u-draai reg voor my maak! 

Ek eindig op die sypaadjie tussen die pale van die verkeersligte. Ek besluit onmiddelik ek is OK en sit regop teen die paal en begin my valhemel afhaal. Daar is onmiddelik mense om my wat sê ek moet bly lê en nie my hemel afhaal nie maar ek het dit klaar gedoen. Ek is by my volle bewyssyn en vra dat iemand my selfoon, wat in my linkerbroeksak is, vir my moet gee sodat ek vir Sue kan skakel. Ek is dankbaar dat ek dit self kan doen, veral in die lig van Adré se nootlottige ongeluk vier jaar gelede.

Mense drom om my saam en iemand het die ambulans laat kom. Daar is paramedisie op die toneel. Hulle vra of ek my tone kan beweeg en die resultaat is posetief. Dit is 'n goeie teken. Ek is bewus dat die Taxi bestuurder vir iemand sê dat die lig rooi was. Sue is binne 'n paar minute daar en alhoewel sy redelik ontsteld is, is sy dankbaar dat ek ek skynbaar nie te ernstig beseer is nie. Die ambulans arriveer. Hulle wil my Blouberg Netcare to neem, maar ek dring daarop aan dat hulle my na Milnerton se Mediclinic toe neem. Ek was al 'n paar keer daar en hulle het al my data daar. Ek voel ook net meer gemaklik om daarheen te gaan. Ek het gedurende Januarie 'n afskrif van die ongeluksverslag by die verkeerspolisie gekry. Daarin bevestig getuies dat die lig groen was en dat die Taxi my spoed, wat nie meer as 40 kpu kon gewees het nie, onderskat het!

Hulle stut my nek, skuif my op 'n bord en plaas my so oor na die ambulans. Net voor die ambulans vertrek, loer Mike Smit in! Dit is 'n riem onder die hart! Die rit Milnerton toe is 'n nagmerrie. Ek voel elke hobbel in die pad en die ongemak tydens die reis is onbeskryflik. Ek het nie ernstige pyn nie, maar die ongerief is onbeskryflik! Ek onthou dat ons by die hospitaal gekom het en in die gebou ingestoot is, maar van daar totdat ek op 'n bed in "ICU" tot rus kom, is 'n blur! 

Ek lê op my rug en kan nie eintlik beweeg nie. My bors is vol slym, maar ek kan nie hoes nie, dit is te seer omdat my longe in die ongeluk gekneus is! Mense kom en gaan. Ek is dankbaar dat ek my voete kan beweeg, met ander woorde ek het nie lewensgevaarlike rugbesreings opgedoen nie! Daar is heelwat dokters wat gereeld 'n draai by my bed maak. Na 'n ruk begin ek hulle ken: Dr Weinriech die Internis, Drs Ebrahim  en Thompson die Nuroloë, Dr Engelbrecht die Plastiese Chirug, Dr Smith wat op trauma diens was en na my hand omsien. 

My beserings is drie ernstig beskadigde rugwerwels (5, 6 en 7), twee gekraakte skouerblaaie , kwaai kneussing van longe, seer borsbeen, 'n paar gebreekte ribbes, twee gebreekte beentjies in my regterhand, 'n groot los stuk vel aan my regter pinkie en 'n stukkende regterknie. Die gekeunsde longe en beskadigde rugwerwels is die rede hoekom ek ses dae in die hoësorg eenheid moes bly voordat hulle kon opereer. Niks wat nie met operasies en tyd kan hertsel nie!

Ek kry natuurlik 'n katteder en sal een of ander tyd 'n nommer twee in 'n pan moet doen! Ek kry nie eintlik kans om goed te slaap nie want my bloeddruk word elke twee uur geneem. Ek het nie eintlik veel van 'n eetlus nie en op dag twee raak ek twee keer van kos ontslae, onder andere gedeeltelik oor een van die verpleegsters! Ek moet ook gewoond raak aan die feit dat ek deur verpleegsters, mans sowel as vrouens, gewas word. Dit is nogal 'n "humiliating" ondervinding! Ek ondergaan twee keer per dag fissioterapie. Hulle werk veral aan die slym op my bors.

Dr Engelbrecht kom werk die vel van my pinkie, wat skynbaar tussen my bors en die Taxi vasgedruk was en los geskeur het, vas. Dr Smith lig my in dat hy twee plaatjies in my regterhand gaan plaas om die beentjies wat gebreek het, te spalk.

Na 'n paar dae kom wys Dr Thompson wat hulle beplan om met my rug te doen. Hy sê hulle noem dit "scaffolding" wat hulle in my rug gaan sit. Werwel 5, 6 en 7 is redelik ernstig beskadig, veral 5 en 7. Hulle gaan twee skroewe in 4, 6 en 8 anker en een in 5 en 7. Die 8 skroewe word dan met twee titanium stawe verbind om werwel 4-8 te anker. Die prognosis is 'n volkome hetstel, mettertyd! Ek mag dalk probleme hê om my nek te draai en agter my te kyk.

Ek is redelik oorweldig deur al die mense wat my besoek. Dit is voorwaar baie bemoedigend wanneer mens heeltyd op jou rug moet lê en nie veel kan doen, maar dan is daar elke nou en dan die gesig van 'n bekende wat kom kyk hoe dit gaan. Verder was Mediclinic besonder toegeeflik met besoek tye en het hulle nooit iemand wegewys nie.

Die dae gaan stadig verby en ek oorleef my eerste opelyf op 'n bedpan! Operasies kan eers op dag 7 en 8 plaasvind as gevolg van my longe wat ook seer gekry het en eers moet herstel. Ek verwyl die tyd deur musiek te luister. Ek kan nie lees nie want ek moet plat lê en dit is te vermoeiend om heeltyd met jou arms in die lug te lê!

Maandagoggend opereer hulle my regterhand. Dinsdag is dit tyd vir my rug. Voordat ek narkose kry verduidelik hulle hoe hulle my gaan draai. Wanneer ek wakker word is ek terug in ICU. Ek het geen pyn nie, voel net baie ongemaklik.

Woensdagmiddag laat hulle my toe om op te staan en in 'n stoel te sit. Donderdagoggend neem ek my eerste tree in 9 dae. Donderdagmiddag loop ek in die gang af en klim weer trappe. Vrydag word ek na 'n gewone kamer verskuif! Sondag 25 November, na 13 dae in die hospitaal, word ek ontslaan.

My eerste opvolg besoek aan Dr Thompson, wat my rug gedoen het, is op Dinsdag 11 Desember. Hy verwyder die pleisters van die sny op my rug en spreek sy tevredeheid met my vordering uit. Hy gee my toestemming om op 'n oefenfiets te ry. My volgend afspraak met hom is 11 Januarie 2019.

Ons gaan kuier 26 Desember vir Lizanne en Wynand op Kleinmond en ek bestuur vir die eerste keer motor sedert die ongeluk. Ek stap ook baie tydens die paar dae daar, oder andere teen die koppie agter die dorp uit.

My opvolg besoek aan Dr Thompson op 11 Januarie verloop baie goed en hy gee my toestemming om weer fiets te ry en ook om voort te gaan met my plna om in Junie aan die Freedom Challenge deel te neem. My eerste wedren is die 2019 Argus Cape Town Cycle Tour op 10 Maart. Voorbereiding vir FCRASA begin op 16 Maart met die Eroica in Montagu oor 137 km, gevolg deur 'n "oefenlopie" met Stettynskloof op en terug te veot op 27 April, en dan die AMARider 100 miler op 13 April oor 163 km, Platteklip Gorge op 11 Mei en 'n rondomtalie rit oor Riebeek Kasteel van 190 km op 18 Mei.

Ek vlieg 16 Junie Durban toe en begin 18 Junie met die Freedom Challenge vanaf Pietermaritzburg na Wellington, 'n afstand van 2,200 km met 30,000 meter se vertikale klim en meesal gronspaaie! 

Vrydag 07 Junie 2019

In memory of Adré

'n Paar van Adré se kollegas by die werk het na sy dood besluit hulle moet iets doen om sy heengaan meer viseul te maak. Hulle het 'n ou fiets kry, hom wit geverf, 'n stuk yster aan die "bottom bracket" vas geswys en in die vroeë oggend ure van Februarie 2016 (ongeveer 'n jaar na die ongeluk), die fiets in Milnerton, regoor die MyCiti Woodbridge Island busstop waar die ongeluk gebeur het, in die grond in gesement.
Die fiets het vir twee en 'n halwe jaar daar gestaan. Ons het baie positiewe terugvoering van die publiek gekry oor die aandenking en wat dit verteenwoordig. Gedurende die twee jaar het ons hom twee keer geverf om seker te maak dat iemand nie kla oor 'n slordige en verroeste fiets wat die munisipaliteit se tuin ontsier nie. Gedurende Mei 2018 het ek agtergekom dat die fiets skuins staan. Met nadere inspeksie sien ek toe dat die swyswerk tussen die "bottom bracket" en die sement besig is om los te kom. Ek vra te vir iemand om my te help om dit weer stewig te maak. Dit kort daarna gedoen. Gedurende die naweek van 24 September 2018 het die fiets egter "verdwyn". Ek het by die persoon wat die video kamera's langs die pad monitor, probeer vasstel of hulle kon sien wie dit gedoen het, maar sonder enige welslae. Ons was redelik seker dat dit nie die Munisiplaitiet was nie, want die blomme en foto aan die boom is nie verwyder nie. Ons het toe tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die "bosslapers" seker die fiets gesteel het om as "scarp" te verkoop. Smile 90.4 FM Radio het 'n paar weke later 'n ope lug uitsending van oorkant die pad gehad en die fiets en die feit dat dit weg is, was een van die groot besperkings punte.

So is daar toe 'n prosses aan die gang gesit om weer 'n fiets te "plant" maar die keer met die Munisplaitiet se toestemming. Die proses het gedurende November 2018 begin. Een van Adré se kollegas kry 'n ou fiets en reël dat daar twee 2.5 mm ysterstawwe aand die "bottom bracket" vasgeswys word, sodat die hele kontrepsie stewwiger sal wees. Ek neem die fiets na 'n plek in Parow wat dit vir ons "epoxy coat" en wit verf.
Nou wag ons net vir toestemming. Na 'n paar oproepe en eposse, was daar 'n ter plaatse vergadering gehou. Die gevoel was dat daar geen rede is hoekom dit nie gedoen mag word nie, maar niemand was bereid om toestemming te gee dat dit wel gedoen mag word nie. Paaie het die besluit na Parke verwys! Ek het die volgende motivering vir die "plant" van die fiets ingedien:

Thank you for meeting with me on Monday at the sight where we would like to put a ghost bike. I am forwarding the email from Robin so that you can see what the bike, which was in this position for two and a half years, looked like. This bike was placed without the necessary permission during early hours of February 2016. The actual accident happened at 19:07 of Tuesday 20 January 2015. This ghost bike did become a reference point for many people in creating an awareness for people who died in cycling accidents. After it was removed, we suspect by vragants to sell as scrap metal, we received numerous enquiries as to what happened to it. In other words it was noticed by many people and respected for what it represented. We also feel that the fact that it remained there for more than two years did create a president for the viability of such a structure and what it represented.

I also like to refer you to the latest news letter from the President of the Western Province Pedal Power Association wherein they encourage people to join a memorial ride to sights in Durban where symbolic 'ghostbikes' were to be erected in memory of cycling killed on public roads. We have also seen pictures of bikes erected at places where accidents have happened, so this is something is done on a reasonable regular basis.

We would like to appeal to you to grant us permission to erect a replacement on the sight where the previous bike was erected. We will undertake to ensure that only the bike will be visible above the ground and to replace all plants damaged during the placement process. As you can see from the attached photos, the "wild figs"cover the bottom of the wheels in no time. We also undertake to ensure that the condition of the bike is maintained in such a way that it do not become unsightly due to rust and ware and tare. We have all ready acquired a replacement bike and had in epoxy coated to protect it against rust.

You are welcome to contact me if you do require any further information or want to meet with me again to discuss this matter further.

Ek het erkenning van ontvangs van die skrywe gekry, maar vir die volgende drie maande het niks gebeur nie. Na 'n opvolg epos het daar weereens 'n paar eposse tussen verskillende Departemente begin vloei. Almal bevestig dat dit nie 'n probleem behoort te wees nie, maar niemand wil goedkeuring gee nie. Ons besluit ons gaan weer die reg in eie hande neem en 25 Mei word bepaal as die dag wanneer die nuwe fiets "geplant" gaan word. Gedurende die week voor die "plant" sou plaasvind kry ek weer 'n oproer van die Superintedent van Parke. Hy wil my graag by die plek waar ons die fiets wil plant, sien. Ons ontmoet en hy deel my mee dat hy nie vir ons toestemming kan gee om voort te gaan met die planting nie, maar hy gaan ook nie sê ons mag dit nie doen nie. Ek bedank hom en deel hom mee dat dit beplande "planting" reeds geskedilleer is.

Op Saterdag 25 Mei kom Wynand (my skoonseun), Johan Lotter (wat die "ready mix" voorsien), Donovan en Schalk by die beplande plek bymekaar om die fiets te "plant". Ons maak eers 'n stuk grond skoon deur die plantegroei netjies opsy te skuif en grawe 'n groot gat, plaas die fiets in die gat, sement hom behoorlik vas en bedek die bogrond weer met die plante. Die hele prosses neem ongeveer 1 uur. 

'n Week na dit kry ek 'n epos wat sê dat bankies met name op aanvaarbaar merobalia is, maar iets meer substantieël soos 'n fiets is nie eintlik aanvaarbaar nie. Die fiets is egter nou al reeds geplant en ons gaan hom nie nou verwyder nie! Na nog 'n week kry ek 'n oproer van die persoon van paaie wat by die heel eerste ontmoeting was. Hy deel my mee dat hy nog net so een of twee dinge wil uitsorteer, maar in beginsel gaan hulle toestemming gee dat ons met die "plant" van die fiets kan voortgaan. 

So kom dit dan dat die fiets weer op sy plek is en as baken/nagedagtenis dien vir 'n geliefde seun en kollega.