This was in preparation for the Freedom Challenge Race Across South Africa which I completed in June 2014 and 2019. Ek is die eerste persoon oor 70 jaar wat RASA voltooi het. Gedurende Oktober 2023 beplan ek om weer van Beitbrug na Bloubergstrand sonder enige ondersteuning, met my bergfiets te ry. Dit is vir CANSA in gedagtenis aan Sue, my vrou, wat op 23/09/2022 oorlede is aan die newe effekte van kanker. Afstand is 3,500 kilometer.
Maandag 15 November 2010
Maandag 15 November
My volgende lang rit is op hande. My mikpunt was 12uur en 200km met 'n paar ernstige klimme. Sak is Sondagaand gepak en ek het met 'n saal, wat Gary van Cycles Direct vir my geleen het, eksperimenteer. Ek het 06:15 weggekom. Vanaf Blouberg is ek direk Hillcrest toe, via Nitida, D'Aria, Majik Forest na Zevenwacht. Van daar was my roete oor die hoogste koppe, insluitend Bottelarykop, na die Klipheuwel/Bottelary kruising. Alles het goed verloop en ek was na 5 uur 40 minute daar. Die uitsig van die "koppe" af was asemrowend. Van Bottelary is ek met die Klipheuwel pad oor die N1 en daarna op die grondpad, wat langs N1 loop na die Eenzaamheid afdraai deur na die Durbanville/Agter Praal pad. Na ses kilometer in die Paarl regting neem ek die grondpad links. Na so 'n paar kilometer weer links en dan gou weer links op 'n pad wat my net voor die wind kragopwekekrs in die Perdeberg/Klipheuwel grondpad bring. Dan oor die R304 en met Wellingtonweg af tot by die Philadephia afdraai, waar ek regs draai en dan onmiddelik links op die Occultdale pad tot by Adderleyweg. Dan links en na 'n paar kilometer regs verby Fairview Melkery, oor Malanshoogte en verby Caltex huistoe. Die totale afstand was to net 150km en het my 12 uur geneem, maar die hitte was net te erg en dus kon ek nie my teiken haal nie. Ongelukkig het Gary se saal ook nie gewerk nie, want my boude is weer rou. Dit raak nou 'n ernstige probleem waarmee ek baie min vordering maak, ten spyte van verskillende eksperimente met sale! Gemiddelde spoed, terwyl ek in beweging was, was 14.6km, totale klim 1,948meter, 5996kilojoels verbrand en 10uur 20min se fiesiesse rytyd. Goeie dag in totaliteit en nou kan ek sien waarom die wedren in die winter plaasvind. Dit is makliker om warm te word as om af te koel en om lou water te drink is glad nie lekker nie.
Maandag 18 Oktober 2010
Rawsonville to Diemersfontein 17 October 2010
The alarm woke me at 04:30, in time to start the day with some quiet time and breakfast. I managed to hit the road at 05:36. Merwida is about 15km further from the start of Stettyns than Trouthaven, so I had quite a stint to do before the "real challenge". I arrived at Stettynsdam at 07:39. Fortunately I have "walked" Stettyns in March this year, so I had a good idea of what lay in store for me. I tried to stay as true as possible to the narratives as I did discover during my previous excursion that there are no "short cuts" in Stettyns. The markers set out by the Adventure Racers also makes life a little easier, although it still is very easy to take a wrong route and discover it to late and then you have to back track. The previous time I took the wrong route past the Shakelton wreck and this time I wanted to make sure I do not make the same mistake again. This is were the discussion with the Avidon's the previous evening really came in handy. I did once realise I was on the wrong route resulting in some serious "budu bashing", but it probably only cost me 30 minutes. After this I decided to "scout" the route before I take my bicycle along whenever I was not sure about the route. This ploy probably cost me an hour and a half in wasted time, but I am convinced that it was time well spent as the waste would have been more had I taken my bicycle up the wrong ally! At least I managed to find the elusive track through the reeds, which takes about 10 minutes rather than David's 2, but if you do not find it, it could take you more than an hour to get through! Once I got out on the other side I could see the ridge where I was due to end. What caught me by surprise was the number of smaller ridges and valleys I had to navigate through before reaching the bottom of the final "monster". 150 meters of climbing in a distance of 200 meters, that is some serious climbing, especially with a 10 kg rug sack and 13 kg bicycle on your back. It actually is surprising what one can achieve if you put your mind to it! With this hill you just have to grind your teeth and keep on going. It is so steep that it will be dangerous to stop and put your bicycle down because you may loose your balance and that will result in some serious damage to your body. I managed to reach the top by 15:30. That is 8 hours from the dam to the top, a total distance of approximately 12 km! Once on top, it is a scramble down the hill to the jeep tack that joins up with the road out of the valley. I reached the bottom of the old Du Toits Pass by 16:30. Then it was just a grind up the old pass and down to Diemersfontein where I arrived just after 18:00 to end two days of amasing cycling. After this i feel I really do have the ability to tackle the Freedom Challenge. What really also amases me is that there are some ladies that does this. I have renewed respect for them after this trip up Stettyns! I hope to get another one or two real training rides in before next June.
Bonnievale to Rawsonville
16 October is here. Set alarm for 04:00 because I have to be at Diemersfontein at 06:00 to pick Trevor up and along the way I must also collect my brother who will be bring my vehicle back to Diemersfontein. Everything went according to schedule. Treveor arrived at Diemersfontein at 06:05 in his new Kia Sorento. We transferred his bike to my car and set off for Bonnievale. Arrived at the turn-off to McGregor just before 08:00. Set of on the first leg at 08:06. Nice leisurely ride through to McGregor and onto Coenies River. The pace was reasonable, but I picked up that Trevor is struggling up the hills. We had a snack at the top of Coenies River while we enjoyed the awesome view. Just past Kasra Trevor's chain broke. Fortunately he had some spare powerlinks so we were on our way within 15 minutes. Up Trappieskraal Trevor started picking up problems with cramps. By this stage I started preparing myself mentally for tackling Stettyns the next day on my own as I though Trevor would not make it. Trevor had to walk up most of Trappieskraal due the cramps so it took us quite a while to get to the top. Once there, it was nice to cruse down the hill with no major climbs right through to Rawsonville. We were fortunate not to encounter Brandvleidam's notorious wind and had a quiet cycle around the dam. Due to Trouthaven being booked out for a wedding, we had to stay at Merwida, just outside of Rawsonville. Arrived there just in time to see the last 35 minutes of Western Province beating Free State in the Currie Cup semifinal. Trevor was pretty much "nackered" and decided, rightly, not to tackle Stettyns the next day. As we parked our bicycles we saw to other bicycles with map boards, which raised our curiosity. At supper we were surprised to find the Avignon' s, who did the Freedom Challenge this year, there. They took the train/bus from Gauteng to Lainsburg and was cycling from there to Bloubergstrand via Bainskloof. We had a nice chat and I picked up some more useful tips on how to navigate through Stetyns. Trevor was gone the minute his head hit the cushion. I was planning to get going by about 05:30 the next morning, so I also was gone by 21:30.
Vrydag 15 Oktober 2010
Woensdag 06 Oktober 2010
Next training ride
Woensdag 08 September 2010
Dinsdag 07 September 2010
Oefenrit 6 September 2010
The Freedom Challenge is about covering great distances over a prolonged period. As preparation for this I decided to spend a day on the bicycle once a month until June 2011. My first trip was on Monday 6 September. The aim was to do 160km. Errol Derricke, who has done 3 Freedom Challenges agreed to join me for part of the way. We agreed to meet at Zevenwacht at 09:00. That meant I had to leave Blouberg at about 06:00. I did managed to get away at 06:18. My planned route was through the bushes north of Parklands via Hillcrest, Nitida, Majik Forest, Kenridge, Oakdale, Protea Hoogte and Kuilsriver Gholf Club to Zevenwacht. Despit a "small" flip over the bars when I came down a hill at Nitida, I made Zevenwacht by 09:10. We then proceeded over Zevenwacht hills behind Stellenbosch Kloof, over Papagaaisberg, behind Coetzenberg to the entrance to Lanzerac in Stellenbosch. As the South Easter was picking up and Errol did 130
Km on Sunday, he decided to head home. I then proceeded up Bothmaskop, down Helshoogte, over the hills to Rustenburg. Unfortunately I could not get permission to cross the farm and had to revert to the tar road to Klapmuts. From there down the gravel road to Fisantekraal via Spes Bona and Fairview to Bloubergstrand, arriving home after 170 km and 13 hours in the saddle.
Dinsdag 29 Junie 2010
6 June 2010
5 June 2010
Saturday 1 May 2010
Friday 30 April 2010
Maandag 28 Junie 2010
Thursday 29 April 2010
Wednesday 28 April 2010
Tuesday 27 April 2010
Monday 26 April 2010
Sunday 25 April 2010
During the week of 25 April to 1 May 2010 I rode from Kleinpoort to Monatgu. Day 1 started at 07:04 from Kleinpoort to Cambria. I had some problems finding the route from Bucklands to Tretyre, but got there without losing too much time. made good time to Perdeberg. Discovered that the "farmstead" was nothing more than a large "sheppard shed". Could not find the "fence" as described in the narrative. Did find a track further to the right. Halfway up the hill, I took a calculated decision and decided to that I may end up at the top of a cliff with no way down and went down to the valley and straight west to Hottentotspoort. From there I took the public route to the Groot River gorge. by the time I got to the entrance of the Osseberg Pass, it was 16:00. I once again took a calculated decision and decided that it will be better to take the long way round with the public road, rather that go down the Osseberg Pass and through 11 river crossing and trying to get over a 3 meter high gate in the dark. I eventually arrived at Cambria at 20:00. 164km in 13 hours.