Woensdag 20 April 2016

BB2BB Day 20

During the night it rained very hard and I was worried that I might have to ride in the rain, but when I got outside to have breakfast, I saw clear skies! I managed to hit the road at 05:10.

The road out of Rhodes is a good gravel road with a fair number hills, but they are all manageable. Not those long endless hills of Lowteni! I managed to maintain an average speed of just over 12 kph. The lowlands were covered in mist, but I was riding above the mist. It was quite a beautiful sight. Later on I moved down into the mist which misted up my glasses and limited visibility to about 50 meters. This lasted for about and hour. After the mist lifted, I enjoyed the scenery. The ride into Barkley East was pleasant. I hot there just after 09:30.

I did pick up some problems with my waterworks and on his advice I stated taking anti biotika. He suggested that I have my urine tested in Barkley East. I had this done and the local doctor gave me a clean bill of health.

The road from Barkley East via Rossouw to Moordenaarspoort is very undulating but once again the hills were all reasonable in length and often followed by a ride on a bit of a plateau. In Rossouw I turned right on a minor road heading past Moordenaarspoort. The climb out of Rossouw is fairly long, but not too steep. The last 5 km to Moordenasrspoort is all down hill and I really enjoyed the run into the farm where I arrived at 15:55.

Data for the day; started 06:10; tyd 10:39:43; afstand 135 km; gem 12.68 kph; klim 2,569 meters; daal 2,778 meters.

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