This was in preparation for the Freedom Challenge Race Across South Africa which I completed in June 2014 and 2019. Ek is die eerste persoon oor 70 jaar wat RASA voltooi het. Gedurende Oktober 2023 beplan ek om weer van Beitbrug na Bloubergstrand sonder enige ondersteuning, met my bergfiets te ry. Dit is vir CANSA in gedagtenis aan Sue, my vrou, wat op 23/09/2022 oorlede is aan die newe effekte van kanker. Afstand is 3,500 kilometer.
Woensdag 20 April 2016
BB2BB Day 20
During the night it rained very hard and I was worried that I might have to ride in the rain, but when I got outside to have breakfast, I saw clear skies! I managed to hit the road at 05:10.
The road out of Rhodes is a good gravel road with a fair number hills, but they are all manageable. Not those long endless hills of Lowteni! I managed to maintain an average speed of just over 12 kph. The lowlands were covered in mist, but I was riding above the mist. It was quite a beautiful sight. Later on I moved down into the mist which misted up my glasses and limited visibility to about 50 meters. This lasted for about and hour. After the mist lifted, I enjoyed the scenery. The ride into Barkley East was pleasant. I hot there just after 09:30.
I did pick up some problems with my waterworks and on his advice I stated taking anti biotika. He suggested that I have my urine tested in Barkley East. I had this done and the local doctor gave me a clean bill of health.
The road from Barkley East via Rossouw to Moordenaarspoort is very undulating but once again the hills were all reasonable in length and often followed by a ride on a bit of a plateau. In Rossouw I turned right on a minor road heading past Moordenaarspoort. The climb out of Rossouw is fairly long, but not too steep. The last 5 km to Moordenasrspoort is all down hill and I really enjoyed the run into the farm where I arrived at 15:55.
Data for the day; started 06:10; tyd 10:39:43; afstand 135 km; gem 12.68 kph; klim 2,569 meters; daal 2,778 meters.
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