Sondag 02 Februarie 2025

House on the Hill Toer Dag 3

Die plan was om 07:00 ontbyt te eet en dan 07:30 in die pad te val. Ons kuier egter so lekker saam met Kosie en Ryna Sauerman, bygestaan deur Wells die kelner, dat ons eers 08:09 daar wegkom!

Die dag begin sommer weer met 'n klim! 2.62 km, 82 meter se klim met 'n maksimum gradiënt van 17.7%! Die gemiddeld is gelukkig 5.1%, dus is daar ook heelwat maklike gedeeltes. Na 6 km kruis ons die pad waarmee ons gister ingekom het en gaan reguit die bult op en deur twee hekke. Johan verloor sy balans by die eerste hek en val "saggies"! 

Die pad wat ons volg Riversdal toe is redelik op en af met mooi Suid Kaap natuur van golwende heuwels met canola stoppels. Ryna het reeds gesê ons moet hier kom ry wanneer die canola in blom is.

Ons maak 'n draai naby aan die stasie Renbaan wat mens verby ry op die N2 tussen die Stilbaai afdraai en Albertina. Vandaar is ons eers op 'n plato en dan daal ons af Riversdal toe, met so twee onverwagte skerp bultjies wat geluk nie baie lank is nie. Ons kom na 3:50 en 54.5 km in Riversdal aan. Op die hoek waar ons moet afdraai sien ons die Mosie koffiehuis en stop net daar vir, wat ons hoop, 'n vinnige middag versnapping sal wees. Ek kom baie vinning tot die gevolgtrekking dat dit nie gou sal gaan nie. Wanneer die kelnerin uiteindelik by ons uit kom maak sy onmiddelik verskoning aangesien hulle net twee is en daar nou drie groepe is. Ons bestel eers koffie en loer dan na die spyskaart. Nadat die koffie gekom het moet ons nog 'n rukkie wag voordat ons bestelling geneem word. Die diens is stadig, maar ons geniet die rus en ten spyte van die wag is ons heel tevrefe met alles. Ons kom eers na 'n uur weer aan die gang. 

Die laaste 35 km begin met 'n redelike gelyk stuk in 'n Noord Westelike rigting, met die laaste gedeelte geleidelik op tot op 72 km. Dan draai ons links op 'n "jeep track" wat lekker styl is. 4.75 km met 230 meter se klim en 'n maksimum van 19.5% en 'n gemiddelde van 4.8%. Dit neem my 41:26 om tot bo te kom. 

Bo draai ons links en verloor weer vinnig hoogte met so twee kort heuweltjies tot by 'n T-aansluiting waar ons regs draai. Nou die laaste klim en dan is dit oop ketel huis toe. Ek laat waai en geniet die laaste paar kilometer tot by die aansluiting waar ons regs moet draai om by House on the Hill uit te kom. Ek wag hier vir Mike en Johan. 

Wanneer Johan die laaste bult af ry draai hy links in plaas van regs! Mike roep hom terug. Nou is daar net 3 km oor huis toe. 

Ek kom na 91.29 km, 7:25 uur en 1,309 meter se klim weer by House on the Hill aan. Die weer was bykans perfek met 'n gemiddelde temperaruur van 25 grade Celsius. Redelik bewolk met 'n ligte briesie wat dit koel gehou het. So eindig Dag 3. Die aand eindig met 'n wonderlike sons ondergang.

Dit was voorwaar 'n heerlike drie dae se fiets ry!

Totale afstand: 263.83 km; 21:47 uur en 4,457 meter se klim. 


The plan was to have breakfast at 07:00 and then hit the road at 07:30. However, we are having such a good time chatting with Kosie and Ryna Sauerman, assisted by Wells the waiter, that we only get out of there at 08:09!

The day starts again with a climb! 2.62 km, 82 meters of acsent with a maximum gradient of 17.7%! The average is fortunately 5.1%, so there are also quite a few easy sections. After 6 km we cross the road we came in with yesterday and go straight up the hill and through two gates. Johan loses his balance at the first gate and falls over very "gently"!

The road we follow to Riversdale is quite up and down with the beautiful Southern Cape nature of rolling hills with canola stubble. Ryna did suggest that we should come here when the canola is in bloom, to appreciate the beauty.

Our route takes us past the Renbaan station, which one drives past on the N2 between the Stilbaai turnoff and Albertina. From there we are first on a plateau and then we descend to Riversdale, with two unexpected sharp bumps that fortunately are not very long. We arrive in Riversdale after 3:50 and 54.5 km. At the corner where we have to turn off we see the Mosie coffee shop and stop right there for what we hope will be a quick mid morning snack. I quickly come to the conclusion that it will not be "quick". When the waitress finally comes to us she immediately apologizes since there are only two of them and there are now three groups to be served. We first order coffee and then glance at the menu. After the coffee comes we have to wait a while before our order is taken. The service is slow, but we enjoy the peace and despite the wait we are quite satisfied with everything. We only get going again after an hour.

The last 35 km starts with a fairly flat section in a North Westerly direction, with the last section gradually rising to 72 km. Then we turn left onto a "jeep track" which is nice and steep. 4.75 km with 230 meters of climbing and a maximum of 19.5% and an average of 4.8%. It takes me 41:26 to get to the top.

At the top we turn left and then quickly lose altitude again with two short hills until a T-junction where we turn right. Now the last climb and then it's ears back to home. I go like the wind and enjoy the last few kilometers up to the junction where we have to turn right to get to House on the Hill. I wait here for Mike and Johan.

When Johan comes down the last hill he turns left instead of right! Mike calls him back. Now there are only 3 km left to go home.

I arrive back at House on the Hill after 91.29 km, 7:25 hours and 1,309 meters of climbing. The weather was almost perfect with an average temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. Fairly cloudy with a light breeze that kept it cool. Thus ends Day 3. The evening ends with a wonderful sunset.

It was truly a wonderful three days of cycling!
Total distance: 263.83 km; 21:47 hours and 4,457 meters of climbing.

Saterdag 01 Februarie 2025

HotH Toer (Reverse) Dag 2


Na 'n heerlike ontbyt, kom ons net na 08:00 aan die ry. 

Vandag is 61 km en meesal afdreand. Daar is, soos gewoonlik, 'n paar klimme oppad Herbertsdale toe, waar ons vir Johan moet kry. Dit neem ons 45 minute om die 13 km dorp toe af te lê. Ons wag 5 minute vir Johan voordat ons weer aan die gang kom. 

Net na Herbertsdale draai ons regs Jakkalsvlei toe. Dit is teerpad tot net verby Jakkalsvlei Kelder, maar ons begin met 'n 1.92 km klim met 117 meter se hoogte byvoeging wat  18 minute neem om te oorwin. Daar kom 'n driekamp atleet by my verby en ons gesels so 'n bietjie. Sy is van plan om tot by die einde van die teerpad te ry, dus sien ons haar weer terwyl sy oppad terug is. 

Ons ry oor die Gouritsrivier net nadat die teerpad opgehou het. Daar is nog 'n paar klimme en Mike en Johan ry vooruit. Intussen hoop ek dat hulle vir my by die Lasarus Wildsplaas se afdraai vir my sal wag. Daar gekom, maar geen Mike en Johan nie! Ek probeer hulle skakel, maar daar is nie ontvangs nie. Ek besluit om op die regte pad aan te ry totdat daar ontvangs is. Daar skakel ek vir Mike maar hy antwoord nie. Ek stuur vir hom 'n boodskap om hom in te lig dat hulle verkeerd gery het. Ek het verlede week die roets vir hom op Komoot afgelaai. Ek stel voor hy gaan op Komoot en navigeer na die regte roete.

Ek en Hennie het verlede Oktober ook verby die "verwaarloosde" plaas, hier onder, gery en die boot met die naam "Dreams come true" daar gesien. Vind dit baie ironies dat so 'n boot met so 'n naam op so 'n verwaarloosde plaas so ver van die see kan staan!

Op 48 km stop ek onder 'n boom om my toebroodjie te eet. Ek skakel weer vir Mike en die keer antwoord hy. Gelukkig het hulle agter gekom hulle is verkeerd en het omgedraai en by die Lasurus Wildsplaas afgedraai. Hulle is dus so 'n entjie agter my. Na 11 minute val ek weer in die pad. 

Ek is nou bo-op die plato en sal binnekort daal na die Valsrivier. Dit is 'n lekker lang afdraend met so 'n paar klein bultjies tot onder waar ek die rivier kruis. Anderkant is daar weer 'n 3.17 km klim waar tydens ek 117 meter styg. Op 56 km bereik ek die kruising waar ons moet afdraai na ons oornag bly plek. Ek wag hier vir my maats wat na 7 minute opdaag.

Nou net 6.43 km huis en aanvanklik gelyk ek dan 'n lekker afdraend. 'n Bakkie kom van agter verby ons. Dit blyk toe Kosie Sauerman, ons gasheer, te wees. Ons groet en dan ry hy aan. Ons handhaaf 'n goeie pas en lê die afstand in 19 minute af. 

Die weer was baie lekker met 'n gemiddelde temperatuur van 31 grade Celsius. Die maksimum het by 41 grade gedraai, maar dit was van korte duur.

Totaal vir die dag 60.99 km tyd 4:18:40 en net 762 meter se klim. 

Vannaand eet ons steaks! Iets om na uit te sien want Kosie weet hoe om steak lekker gaar te maak.

After a lovely breakfast, we set off just after 08:00.

Today is 61 km long and mostly downhill. As usual, there are a few climbs on the way to Herbertsdale, where we have to meet Johan. It takes us 45 minutes to cover the 13 km to town. We wait 5 minutes for Johan before we set off again.

Just after Herbertsdale we turn right to Jakkalsvlei. It is a tarmac road until just past Jakkalsvlei Cellar, but we start with a 1.92 km climb with 117 meters of elevation gain that takes 18 minutes to conquer. A triathlete passes me and we chat for a bit. She plans to ride to the end of the tarmac road, so we see her again on her way back.

We cucle over the Gourits River just after the tarmac road ends. There are a few more climbs and Mike and Johan cycle ahead. In the meantime, I hope that they will be waiting for me at the Lazarus Game Farm turnoff. When I get there, there is no Mike and Johan! I try to call them, but there is no reception. I decide to cycle along the right road until there is reception. There I call Mike but he does not answer. I send him a message to inform him that they are the wrong road. I downloaded the route for him on Komoot last week. I suggest that he go on Komoot and navigate to the right route.

Hennie de Clercq and I also cycled past a "neglected" farm, along this road, last October and saw a boat called "Dreams come true" there. I find it very ironic that such a boat with such a name can be parked on such a neglected farm so far from the sea!

At 48 km I stop under a tree to eat my sandwich. I call Mike again and this time he answers. Fortunately, they realised they were wrong and turned around and turned off at the Lasurus Game Reserve. So they are a little behind me. After 11 minutes I am back on the road.

I am now am on top of the plateau and will soon descend to the Vals River. It is a nice long descent with a few small bumps to the bottom where I cross the river. On the other side there is another 3.17 km climb during which I gain 117 meters. At 56 km I reach the intersection where we have to turn off to our overnight accommodation. I wait here for my friends who arrive after 7 minutes.

Now only 6.43 km home and at first fairly level and then a nice descent. A bakkie comes past us. It turns out to be Kosie Sauerman, our host for the night. We say greet one another and then he drives on. We maintain a good pace and cover the distance in 19 minutes.

The weather was very nice with an average temperature of 31 degrees Celsius. The maximum was 41 degrees, but it was short-lived.

Total for the day 60.99 km time 4:18:40 and only 762 meters of climbing.

Tonight we eat steaks! Something to look forward to because Kosie knows how to cook steak well.

HotH Toer (Reverse) Dag 1


Almal is betyds reg en ons kom 05:48 weg. 

Die eerste bult begin sommer wanneer ons by die hek uit ry. 3.7 km met 385 meter se klim! Dit is rof. Gelukkig het Mike en Johan e-bikes, maar ek moet maar met my eie bene die bult uittrap! Dit neem my 50 minute om tot bo te kom. Anderkant af haal ek 65 kpu, maar na die afdraend van net meer as 3 km, wat binne 'n paar minute afgelê word, kom die volgende bult! 3.79 km maar die keer darem net 210 meter se klim. 

So 'n entjie verby die top kom Johan agter se selfoon is weg. Hy besluit net daar om om te draai en dit gaan soek. Ons ry stadig aan. Na so 'n paar km begin die volgende bult. 9 km met 479 meter se klim en dit eindig bo-op Gysmanshoekpas. Dit "grappie" neem 1:35! Net nadat ek bo is, kom Mike ook daar aan. Hy het 'n halfuur vir Johan gewag en toe moed opgegee en aan gery. 

Ons ry lekker saam en stop langs die pad om die oorskiet braaibroodjies van gister aand te eet. Daar is nog so 'n paar klimme oppad Muiskraal toe, maar niks so ernstig soos daardie eerste drie nie. Ons kom na 5 ure in die saal by Muiskraal aan. Afstand is net oor 45 km. Toe ons bo-oor Gysmanshoekpas is, was ons gemiddeld 7.2 kpu. So ons het darem ons gemiddelde spoed opgestoot na 9 kpu. 

Mike het intussen kontak gemaak met Johan en hy is op die regte roete maar so 'n uur agter ons. Mike verduidelik vir Johan hoe om te ry om by Dwarsrivier uit te kom. Ons kom na 15 minute weer aan die gang. Die roete tot by Cloetsepas, net voor Dwarsrivier, het geen ernstige klimme nie en ons handhaaf 'n goeie pas. Ons ry ook verby Klein Karoo Welgevonden waar ons sou gebly het op 78 km. Nou nog 33 km Dwarsrivier toe, met Cloetespas se klim net voor dit. Dit temperatuur draai op 42 grade Celsius. 

Die klim is 6.76 km lank waar tydens ons 274 meter styg. Dit neem 56 minute om bo te kom. 3 km na die top daai ons links af Dwarsrivier toe. Daar is 'n baie duidelike Toeriste Inligtings bordjie wat die afdraai aandui. 

Ons kom na 10:04 met 'n afsrand 111.58 km daar aan. Netto gemiddelde spoed is op na 11.04 kpu. Ons totale klim vir die dag is 2,386 meter. 

Ons klok in nadat ons guldelik deur Jenny en Martin ontvang is. Nou wag ons net vir Johan, maar hy daag nie op nie. Heelwat later kontak hy vir Mike om te sê dat hy die afdraai na Dwarsrivier gemis het en in 'n gaste huis is Herbersdale ingeboek het! 

So eindig 'n groot dag met heelwat "kinkels"! Die dag word afgesluit met 'n 5 ster maaltyd wat Jenny vir ons voor sit. Hulle eet saam met ons en ons gesels te lekker. Voorwaar 'n voorreg om op so 'n mooi plek by sulke vriendelike en gasvrye mens oor te bly. 

Everybody was ready on time and we left at 05:48.

We hit the first hill right the gate. 3.7 km with 385 meters of climbing! It's rough. Luckily Mike and Johan have e-bikes, but I have to pedal up the hill with my own legs! It took me 50 minutes to get to the top. Down the other side I reach 65 kpu, but after the descent of just over 3 km, which was covered in a few minutes, we arrived at the next hill! 3.79 km but this time only 210 meters of climbing.

A little past the top, Johan realised that his cellphone is gone. He decides to turn around right there and go look for it. Mike and myself decided to continue slowly. After a few km the next hill starts. 9 km with 479 meters of climbing and it ends at the top of Gysmanshoek Pass. This "joke" takes 1:35! Just after I'm reached the top, Mike also arrived. He waited for Johan for half an hour at the turn off. At that point he decided that it will be beter to continue.

We cycled along nicely and stoped along the road to eat the leftover braaibroodjies from yesterday evening. There are still a few climbs on the way to Muiskraal, but nothing as serious as those first three. We arrive at Muiskraal after 5 hours in the saddle. A distance of just over 45 km. When we got over Gysmanshoek Pass, our average speed was 7.2 kph. So we at least increased our average speed to 9 kph.

Mike has meanwhile made contact with Johan and we established that he was on the right route but about an hour behind us. Mike explained to Johan how to ride to get to Dwarsrivier. We got going again after 15 minutes. The route up to Cloetse Pass, just before Dwarsrivier, has no serious climbs and we maintain a good pace. At 78 km we rode past Klein Karoo Welgevonden turn off, where we would have stayed. Now we had another 33 km to go to Dwarsrivier, with the Cloetes Pass climb just before that. The temperature, breifly, went up to 42 degrees Celsius.

The climb is 6.76 km long during which we gained 274 meters. It took me 56 minutes to get to the top. 3 km passed the top we turned left to Dwarsrivier, where there is a very clear Tourist Information sign indicating the turnoff.

We arrived after 10:04 with a destance of 111.58 km. Net average speed was up to 11.04 kph. Total acsent for the day was 2,386 meters.

We clocked in after being warmly received by Jenny and Martin. Now we just had to wait for Johan, but he does not show up. Much later he contacts Mike to say that he missed the turnoff to Dwarsrivier and has booked into a guest house in Herbersdale, 13km down the road!

Thus ends a big day with many "twists"! It is "crowned" with a 5 star meal that Jenny served us. They eat with us and we have an enjoyable evening around the diner table. Truly a privilege to stay in such a beautiful place with such friendly and hospitable people

HotH Toer (Reverse) Aanloop

Nadat datums geko-ordineer is, is relings getref vir HotH Toer (Reverse) van 31/01 tot 02/02. Die plan was om Donderdag 30/01 House on the Hill toe te ry. Op Dag 1 sou ons dan van daar na Klein Karoo Welgevonden op die Vanwyksdorp/Herbertsdale pad roe te ry. Dag 2 van daar na Gouritsrivier Gasteplaas en dan Dag 3 vandaar terug na HotH toe. Maandag dan terug huis toe. 

Ek kon ongelukkig nie vir Klein Karoo Welgevonden oortuig om ons te help nie (hulle is net selfsorg en dit sou nie vir ons werk nie). Ek pas Dag 1 toe aan na Dwarsrivier, wat die dag 33 km langer maak en Dag 2 soort gelyk korter. 

Akkommodasie is die week voor die tyd bevestig en die groep sou bestaan uit myself, Mike Smit, Johan Schoeman en Alan Simpson, 'n vriend van Johan. Alan raak egter Maandag siek en onttrek Woensdag. Ek en Mike kom net na 13:00 in Blouberg weg. Ons tel vir Johan in Riviersonderend op en kom net na 17:00 by House on the Hill aan. 

Johan maak vir ons heerlike steaks gaar op die kolle en ons eet baie lekker. Ons verkas net na 21:00 kamers toe met die doel om 05:45 in die pad te val.

English version:

After dates were coordinated, arrangements were made for the HotH Tour (Reverse) from 31/01 to 02/02. The plan was to drive to House on the Hill on Thursday 30/01. On Day 1 we would then ride from there to Klein Karoo Welgevonden on the Vanwyksdorp/Herbertsdale road. Day 2 from there to Gouritsrivier Gasteplaas and then Day 3 from there back to HotH. Then back home on Monday.

Unfortunately I could not convince Klein Karoo Welgevonden to help us (they are only self-catering and that would not work for us). I adjusted Day 1 to Dwarsrivier, which makes the day 33 km longer and Day 2 the same distance shorter.

Accommodation was confirmed the week before and the group would consist of myself, Mike Smit, Johan Schoeman and Alan Simpson, a friend of Johan. However, Alan fell ill on Monday and withdrew on Wednesday. Mike and I left Blouberg just after 13:00. We pick Johan up in Riviersonderend and arrived at House on the Hill just after 17:00.

Johan "braaied" delicious steaks on a fire and we had a wonderful meal. We retired to our rooms just after 21:00 with the aim of hitting the road at 05:45.