This was in preparation for the Freedom Challenge Race Across South Africa which I completed in June 2014 and 2019. Ek is die eerste persoon oor 70 jaar wat RASA voltooi het. Gedurende Oktober 2023 beplan ek om weer van Beitbrug na Bloubergstrand sonder enige ondersteuning, met my bergfiets te ry. Dit is vir CANSA in gedagtenis aan Sue, my vrou, wat op 23/09/2022 oorlede is aan die newe effekte van kanker. Afstand is 3,500 kilometer.
Sondag 01 Mei 2016
BB2BB Day 30
Due to the fact that certain people, who wanted to join me on the last day could only make it on the 2nd of May, I decided to stay over for two days at Karee Kloof with Karel and Susan Botha. It was quite an interesting experience. I gave all my cycling clothes to Susan to wash and decided that if everything is dry before 12:00, then I will go for a ride. The air here is pretty dry and everything was dry by 11:30. We had a lovely branch at 10:30. There after I went with Karel to replaced the gas cylinder at Commando, where Ross and Jill were spending the weekend. When we got back it was 12:30 and I decided that I could not resist the temptation to go for a ride to the Tankwa Karoo Padstal, which was about 35 km away.
The ride there and back was pretty uneventful, but for all the cars on the road returning home after attending Africa Burn. For those who do not know what Africa Burn is, it is a yearly event on a farm far away from normal civilisation. People come from all over the country to just have s "good time". Some "props" are built and set alight on the last evening, which was yesterday. You must also take all your waste back with you. There are no waste bins and you are not allowed to litter. Generally a "free spirit" tend to prevail and people just have a good time. It actually us amasing to what lengths people will go to just get away from "it"!
The 37 km there took me just over 1:40. I bought ginger biscuits, a Lunch Bar and a Coke. While I ate the biscuits and drank the Coke a number of people came across to enquire where I was off too. The place was quite crowed with people returning home from Africa Burn. My stop lasted about 20 minutes and then I started the return trip. This did not go quite as fast as the out trip and after an hour I covered only 15 km. A Durban car, with people who obviously was at Africa Burn stopped to hear if I wanted water. I informed them that I was fine and they continued on their way. I picked up my pace and finally got home after 4:30 there and back. A nice "loosner" for tomorrow.
I hope to get going at 06:30 so that I do not have to ride up the kloof in the dark.
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