Sondag 18 Maart 2018

Eroica SA 2018

I entered again for Eroica SA, which was scheduled to be held in Montagu again on 17 March. The principal behind Eroica is to organise race on the basis of the original Tour 'd France with not backup and on gravel roads. I entered for the long ride, which included Ou Berg Pass and about 95 km of gravel. The first 3 and the last 50 km would be tar.

It us a very low key event and although we were due to start at 07:30, we only got going at 07:46. We were probably about 30 riders who started the long ride and were led out of town by a blue prior 1960 left-hand drive De Soto!

I pumped my tyres to 5 bars in the hope of eliminating last year's two punctures. The gravel roads are generally in a good condition but it is all about selecting a good line and avoiding rocks and small sharp stones. The first 22 km to the beginning of Ou Berg Pass is undulating with a number of low water bridges to cross. The field spread out quite quickly and I am riding on my own. Up the pass I pass a couple of riders and two stationery riders who were sorting out a problem on one if the bikes.

It takes me 25 minutes to climb the pass of 5 km. After another 5 km we turn left towards Touwsriver. A further 5 km down the road is the first water table. Here we have a choice from modern day energy replacement products or "roosterkoek and pine-apple beer". I decided to go for the traditional stuff. Photo's are taken and a very relaxed atmosphere prevails. There were some riders there when I arrived and some more arrive while I am eating, including Sipo. It takes me 16 to get going again and 5 of us leave together.

The 5 of us quickly split into two faster guys followed by two mire and then me. The two front guys disappear into the distance, one guy stop with a cracked steering stem and I pass the other one after a while. The condition of the gravel road really is excellent with very few stones and the added benefit of a wind in our backs. At one point I was cruising along at 40 k.p.h. on a level road. Generally I managed to maintain about 30-35 k.p.h.

The riding is very enjoyable and the weather is perfect. It was quite cool before the pass getting as low as 13 degree centigrade, but now it is in the low twenties. We cycle past Leeuenboschfontein, where we spent a long weekend in December 2012 and 2013 with the family mountain biking and just generally relaxing.

At 85 km we link up with the R318 and from here to Montagu it is all tar. After a short climb we enjoy the pleasure if cruising down Rooihoogte. The next water table is at 96 km. Here we are treaded to "vetkoek" and mince together with some nuts, dried fruit, and dates. There even is a cold beer for those who would like one. I settled for coffee. Just before I left, Sipo arrived. The two "fast guys" from the previous water table is still here.

One leaves just before me. My stop took 27 minutes.

Shortly after leaving, the other "fast guy" passes me. The road is fairly level until we reach Burgers Pass, which once again is fast and furious. The last 25 km is easy pedaling with some minor undulations. After a while I notice the second rider in the distance. That gave me an incentive to pedal harder! As we reached the outskirts of Montagu, I had in my sights and realised that I can catch him. That happened in the main street. We cycled together and reached the finish but nit before we twice missed a turn off. On clocking in it transpired that we were the second and third in on the long ride.

What a wonderful day! Total time 6:41; distance 137 km.

A while after I finished Sipo arrived. I asked him to take a photo of me on front of the Erioca SA sign. We started chatting and when he heard I am going back Cape Town, he asked fir a lift. So Sipo and me ended up riding back to Cape Town and really had s good chat.

Cape Town Cycle Tour/Argus

Sondag 12 March 2018 breek aan met perfekte weer "take two" vir die 40ste Argus! Ek het besluit om net my fietsba die wegspring te ry en val 05:30 in die pad. By Doplpin Beach sluit ek by twee Noorweêrs aan en in Paadeneiland tel ons 'n groot groep op wat almal dieselfde idee het. My wedspring tyd us 07:17 en ek is 06:40 in my wegspring blok.

Ek is redelik naby aan die voorpunt met die wegspring en kom dus saam met die voorstes weg. My mikpunt is 3:15-3:30, my dae van sub 3:00 ry is lankal verby. Die veld spring redelik uit teen Oostelike Boulevard ek ry 'n gemaklike pas. Van hier tot by die bopunt van Edindurgrylaan gaan dit net oor die handhaaf van 'n goeie pas. Teen Eynbergheuwel af is dit belangrik om in 'n goeie groep te kom vir die "drag" tot by Weslake Gholfbaan. Daarna is dit weer net vastbyt tot by Smitswinjrlbaai. Ek gaan op 1:06 verby Jubilee Square in Simonstad, wat vinneger as vorige jare is.

Die klim teen Smitswinjelbaai se bult verloop goed en aan die bopunt hak ek by 'n tandem aan en laat waai. Teen die eerste bult los en hulle en druk voort. Die pas us altyd redelik hoog verby Scarborough. Daarna is dit weer 'n geval van goeie pas handhaaf en byhou by vinneger manne.

Ons spry weer uit teen Osceanview se bult, gevolg deur groeps ry tot aan die voet van Chspman's Peak. Dit is hierdie stuk waar ek die enigste "oomblik" van vanjaar se wedren sien tot 'n ryer so tien meter voor my skielik links en dan regs swek. Gelukkig is daar geen nagevolge en almal ry rustig voort.

Ek tel weer 'n tandem op en waar ek gewoonlik vir hulle wegry teen die bult op, handhaaf ons dieselfde pas teen Chappies uit. Ons is saam bo-oor en anderkant af deur ba Suikerbossie. Iewers langs die pad verloor ek hulle en ry op my eie Suikerbossie uit. Ek handhaaf steeds 'n goeie pas maar ons word 'n klein bietjie opgehou deur 'n Noord Wester wat sedert Scarborough van vooraf druk, gelukkig nie te ernstig nie.

Daar kom 'n vinnige manne by my verby en ek hak weer by hulle aan. Elke nou en dan moet ek so 'n ekstra poging insit om by te hou en is darem suksesvol. Ons ry almal saam en ry dat dit klap deur Seepunt en tot by die einde.

Tyd 3:25. Ek sou graag 'n beter tyd wou ry maar ek weet ek het my beste gegee en is tevrede met die tyd.

Nadat ek ontspan het en ietsie te ete en drinke in die Ikey (UCT) Alumni tent gehad het, vat ek die pad terug Blouberg toe